Thursday, December 10, 2009

Embarking towards graduation and working

Friday, December 11, 2009- the night always gave me the ideas to write.lolx. Well, the idea just came to me i had no logical explanation for it. I am about to graduate in one year time considering at the rate i am going. I failed some subjects and delayed my graduation, i am not totally sure if my future is secured or bright but i do know that my compassion to seek knowledge and to strive on still does not wavered and diminished. I pledged myself to complete my degree studies in a solid conviction that does not fumbled because i wanted to get the passport to work although knowingly my result was not fantastic, i am willing to compensate it with working experience. I do hope that my positive attitudes and my mindset regarding the course i am about to take will pay off. I still hold on the believe that everyone has their own uniqueness and is able to achive their calling with their very own attributes, although academically they dont really perform outstanding results. I hope i am right, the road is long ahead i must confront my weaknesses and go on improving constantly. I hope my efforts does pay off, there is no time for remorse for the past about my result although i am not proud about my result i always tell myself i still need to go on. Let this spirit of continual learning never die out like the flames of a raging fire forever scorching and burning with ferocity, with that kinda force let that spirit bring down any obstacles ahead. Mission: "To Strive and Never Yield".